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Elisa is a thought-leader and author on innovation and technological change, venture capital and corporate investment, as well as accelerators and incubators. Her expertise is in private equity, life sciences, and telecommunications. Her award-winning research is highly cited, has been presented in conferences worldwide, and has been published in renowned journals, including Nature Biotechnology, Strategic Management Journal, and Strategy Science.


Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa. 2024. Contributed to “State of Italian VC: The report on the evolution of Italian venture capital”, by P101.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa. 2023. Underfunding novel and complex inventions: The theory of value translation.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa and Juan Alcácer. 2023. Deglobalization and entrepreneurial investment: The natural experiment of Brexit. Harvard Business School Strategy Unit WP No. 24-017.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa and Isin Guler. 2023. Internationalization of venture capital. In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity. Douglas Cumming and Benjamin Hammer, eds. Palgrave Macmillan.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa. 2022. Move-in ready or fixer-upper? VC specialization and startup innovation. Strategy Science 8(3): 323–404.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa, and Isin Guler. 2018. Status in a strange land? Context-dependent value of status in cross-border venture capital. Strategic Management Journal. 39(7): 1887–1911.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa, and Gary Dushnitsky. 2016. Are entrepreneurial venture’s innovation rates sensitive to investor complementary assets? Comparing biotech startups backed by corporate and independent VCs. Strategic Management Journal, 37(5), 819–834.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa, and Gary Dushnitsky. 2013. Publications and patents in corporate venture-backed biotech. Nature Biotechnology, 31(June), 495–497.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa, and Gary Dushnitsky. 2012. More than words? Is startup’s propensity to publish or patent sensitive to investor characteristics? Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa. 2010. Know how, know whom, know where: A global analysis of investor experience and startup performance. University of Pennsylvania Scholarly Commons.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa. 2009. Venture capital in crisis? Fundamentals and trends. In ICEX (Ed.), Claves de la Economía Mundial, 9th ed.: Madrid.

Alvarez-Garrido, Elisa. 2007. Venture capital in Spain: Evolution and challenges. Perspectivas del Sistema Financiero 89: 1–24.